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Safety Not Guaranteed: Flying Motorcycle Might be Coming Soon

According to [Victor Tangermann] over at Futurism, JetPack Aviation is showing a prototype of its P2 Speeder flying motorcycle and it looks both awesome and — to quote Ralph Nader — unsafe at any speed. The prototype can lift 1,000 pounds, travel at up to 500 miles per hour, and cover up to 400 miles. We assume those things are not at the same time, of course.

As you might expect, the thing isn’t FAA-approved yet and we wonder if it ever will be. The company plans remote control flights later this year and, even later, actual piloted flights. You can see more from Mayman Aerospace which is related to JetPack (which, of course, makes jet packs).

We’ve seen this design for a few years now (see the video below). We’ve also seen other flying car designs and the link that never seem to actually get beyond the artist’s rendering stage. Will the P2 be different? Who can say? If you are old enough to recall, there was a time when every year was touted as the year recorded home video was coming, but it never materialized. Until it did with the VHS and Beta tape decks.

So all these flying concepts may or may not — um — get off the ground, but eventually, one of them will. After all, jet packs seemed like science fiction and they are still pretty rare and limited, but JetPack did manage to get something working.

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