Hackaday Podcast 150: Blackberry Runs Out of Juice, NODE has your pinouts, Rats learn DOOM, and 2021 is Done

Join Hackaday Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Managing Editor Tom Nardi as they ring in the New Year with the first podcast episode of 2022. We get the bad news out early for those still thumbing away at their Blackberries, then pivot into some of the highlights from over the holidays such as the release of NODE’s The Pinouts Book and the discovery of a few expectation-defying OpenSCAD libraries. We’ll look at modifying a water cooler with Ghidra, and the incredible technology that let’s historians uncover the hidden history of paintings. Oh, and we’ll also talk about all the best and most important stories of the last 12 months. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so get comfortable.
Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!
Direct download (70 MB)
Episode 150 Show Notes:
News This Week:
What’s that Sound?
- If you know what that sound was, you’ve got a shot at a Hackaday Podcast t-shirt!
Interesting Hacks of the Week:
- Modular Design Enables Huge Ping-Pong Ball LED Displays
- The Pinouts Book Is Here, And It’s Just What You Need
- Rats Learn To Play DOOM In This Automated VR Arena
- An OpenSCAD Library For All Your CNC Cutting Needs
- The Three Cent Motor Controller
- Taking Water Cooler UX Into Your Own Hands With Ghidra
Quick Hacks:
- Elliot’s Picks:
- Tom’s Picks:
Can’t-Miss Articles:
- 2021: As The Hardware World Turns
- Painted Over But Not Forgotten: Restoring Lost Paintings With Radiation And Mathematics
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